Alvin Xiong Alvin Xiong

Study for Applied Jewellery Professional Diploma (Graduated)

Taking the course at GIA (Gemological Institute of America) for Applied Jewellery Professional Diploma. Using diamond to create contemporary work could be interesting! :P


Completed and passed all tests and exams!

Applied Jewellery Professional Diploma granted! (10/03/2024)

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Alvin Xiong Alvin Xiong

Metaverse project in progress 2022 - now

Alvin is working on his Metaverse project at the moment.

update 20/02/2024:

Still working on animation part.

update 30/10/2023:

Main character full body design is done. Using Moho Pro for doing animation. It is the best animation tool I’ve used so far.

update 04/9/2023:

New ideas have been added to the project, working on more design and animation at the moment.

update 13/5/2023:

Refining and tidy up the design and website story page is almost done. New team member fits go with the team.

update (12/3/2023): Alvin is working on creating digital contemporary artwork that is influenced by traditional art techniques and theory, using AI (artificial intelligence) and Web3.0 technologies, supported by his tech team.

update: 12/3/2023

Front page is done. New device is ordered. Building Lore page atm. Tech team interviewing new member.

update: 28/2/2023

Front page original music done! AI technology will be involved. Web3+Crypto+AI=?

update: 18/2/2023

Main design done, working on the website and the other two sets. New ideas keep adding into this exciting project!



refining the main design



website home page design done. Still woking on the main design.



a small but important step is done, start testing with the team.

update: 18/4/2022

Has been working on this project for 3 months, getting there, still need few months until it launches.

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Alvin Xiong Alvin Xiong

Artist Talk at Uxbridge Art Center on 18th July

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A monthly meet-up for East Auckland creatives and those interested in creative things.

Join us for a free morning burst of inspiration. Two speakers from different creative backgrounds will share projects, ideas, and artistic wisdom. Grab a coffee from our cafe following the presentations and continue the conversation!

This month we have Alvin Xiong and Maha Te Hape Tomo.

Maha has been carving bone and pounamu for over 10 years and has found that his art has opened doors to new places and new people, while at the same time connecting him back to old places, and to his old people. Maha is of Waikato Tainui, Rangitane, Ngati Kauwhata and Ngai Tahu descent and his hapu in Te Wai Pounamu is Ngati Huirapa of Arowhenua in Temuka.

Alvin Xiong is an accomplished painter, photographer, sculptor and teacher. He is a tutor at UXBRIDGE and has exhibited at the Centre numerous times. We are pleased to have works by Xiong installed to complement this year’s Estuary Art and Ecology Prize.

Free to attend, all welcome.

Image: Alvin Xiong

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Alvin Xiong Alvin Xiong

Alvin's Solo Exhibition at Uxbridge Art Centre in 2018

Alvin Xiong: Come and go, wish you could stay

4 July – 12 August 2018

Exhibition Opening: Saturday 7 July, 2.30PM

Alvin Xiong is an accomplished painter, photographer, sculptor and teacher.  He is a tutor at UXBRIDGE and has exhibited at the Centre numerous times.  We are pleased to have works by Xiong installed to complement this year’s Estuary Art and Ecology Prize.

Alvin Xiong’s practice has long concentrated on investigating the idea of painting with light. Xiong explores using light as one of his painting mediums, integrating different LED components and tradition painting theories and techniques to create his works.

more info.

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Alvin Xiong Alvin Xiong

Alvin's Art Class in Auckland

(Both Term Three & Term Four Open To Enroll NOW)

After more then 8 years teaching Kids & Adults and organising different art activities both nationally and internationally, Alvin Xiong decided to offer his Drawing Class & Painting Class around Auckland in 2018! 

Before Alvin got his Master of Fine Arts at Elam School of Fine Arts, he had been trained in the top professional Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in China majoring oil painting since 2003 and gained his Bachelors's Degree.

He organised and run the workshops of Old Master Painting Techniques for academy students and professional artist in overseas plus visiting the top museums in Europe to get a further deep study in front of the physical master pieces in 2010 and 2011, which becomes a very popular and successful class both in academic and public environment in China. These classes not only benefit art students, art lovers but also the professional artists.    

So, in Auckland, Alvin's Art Classes will focus on teaching realistic drawing and painting techniques. All the classes include sharing experience, summary the tips from the difficult theories, quick demonstration, etc.. In the class, any art question would be always welcome and would be clearly explained until the student understand the purpose of the technique or the theory. 



Please contact the Art Centre to enroll the class as early as possible, coz the spaces were taken very fast in Term One & Term Two...



Uxbridge Art Centre 

- Realistic Drawing Class (Sat. 10am - 12:30pm) 

- Realistic Drawing Class (Fri. 10am - 12:30pm) 

- Realistic Portrait Oil Painting (Tues. 7pm - 9:30pm) 

- Art Class in Mandarin & Cantonese (Tues. 10am - 12:30pm)

more info:



Nathen Homestead Art Centre 

- Realistic Drawing Class (Mon. 7:30pm - 9:30pm)

more info:



Mairangi Arts Centre 

- Realistic Drawing Class (Wed. 1pm - 3:30pm) 

- Realistic Portrait Oil Painting (Mon. 1pm - 3:30pm) 

more info:


Lake House Art Centre 

- Realistic Drawing Class (Wed. 9:30am - 12pm)

more info:



Studio One in Ponsonby

- Realistic Drawing Class (Thur. 9:30am - 12pm) 

- Realistic Portrait Oil Painting (Thur. 1pm - 3:30pm) 

- NEW- Youth Course Drawing and Sketch (Wed. 4:30pm - 6:00pm)

more info:

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Alvin Xiong Alvin Xiong

#Update group exhibition at Corban Estate Art Centre

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The artists of #UPDATE— Hanna Shim, Dominique Baker, Alvin Xiong, Jihun Hwang, Sena Park and Ruby White (also known as Miss Changy)— work within many different mediums which include photography, painting, carving, ceramics, installation and relational art. Their concepts and concerns are expansive and include the exploration of one’s personal identity, highlighting the conversations that occur between opposing materials and looking at social interventions, particularly through the use of food and drawing, to challenge the art of engagement. A strong current that ties each of these artists’ practices together is a strong relationship with materiality, though it is their points of difference which form a strong picture of Asian contemporary arts in Aotearoa as it is today.

Inspired by the curator’s own research and conversations which have been happening in the wider arts community, the gallery continues to create a more inclusive and diverse arts space. Sweet Dreams and #UPDATE are part of a rich programme of exhibitions which seek to provide a platform for rich and varied perspectives.

This exhibition was proudly sponsored by Creative New Zealand and Foundation North.


Corban Estate Art Centre

The Homestead Galleries
Corban Estate Arts Centre
2 Mt Lebanon Lane

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Alvin Xiong Alvin Xiong

Alvin Xiong's collaborative event with Steinway & Sons

New Zealand contemporary artist Alvin Xiong has been invited to do a cross-over collaborative event “The Music In Painting And The Painting In Music” with the TOP instrument brand Steinway & Sons in Steinway Music Hall on 11th June in China. 

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Alvin Xiong Alvin Xiong

Contemporary Art Meets TESLA & Alvin Xiong Solo Exhibition

New Zealand contemporary artist Alvin Xiong has been invited to do a special event 'Contemporary Art Meets TESLA' which includes Alvin Xiong's Solo Tour Exhibition 'Fusion' by the well-known U.S. electrical car company TELSA in China!

There will be three stops for this event & tour exhibition: 

22nd April 2017, TESLA store, Canton Place,

6th May 2017, TESLA store, La Perle,

13th May 2017, TESLA Service Centre, Guangzhou.  

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Alvin Xiong Alvin Xiong

跨界艺术与设计的玩者 – 熊炜(Alvin Xiong)/Alvin Xiong on the Chinese social media

跨界艺术与设计的玩者 熊炜(Alvin Xiong)


今年5月,熊炜(Alvin Xiong) 应中国著名艺术生态区一艺谷的邀请,从新西兰来到中国参加为期3周的国际艺术家驻场创作项目,让中国的观众有机会亲眼欣赏和了解这个跨界艺术与设计玩者的独特作品。

国际艺术家驻场创作项目(Artist in residence programmes) 兴起的浪潮起源于上世纪的纽约,经过了一段时间的发展和演变,在20世纪的美国和欧洲发展到顶峰。 被邀请参加国际艺术家驻场创作项目是众多国际知名顶级艺术家的一种重要荣誉以及对艺术家创作的一种肯定,比如:Olafur Eliasson 2014年在MIT (Massachusette Institute of Technology)的驻场项目,Tracey Emin, Peter Robinson 以及 Xu Bing (徐冰)等艺术家在世界各地的驻场活动。同时,国际艺术家驻场创作项目不仅提供给艺术家更开阔的平台进行创作,使艺术家有一个宽松自由的环境对现有或者构思中的作品进行更深入的思考,也是当代艺术家作品趋向成熟和被国际市场认可的一个重要标志。不同的环境以及人文的影响,使艺术家能从中得到丰富的灵感和吸取到不同的生活经验,使作品更具跨国界和跨媒介的跨界维度。

熊炜(Alvin Xiong)在国际艺术家驻场项目创作中

近年来,熊炜(Alvin Xiong)的作品引起越来越多人的注意。作为一个跨界艺术家,他现主要在新西兰居住以及创作,他的作品跨越多种媒介,融合多个领域,是当今活跃于国际艺术界的新西兰华裔青年当代艺术家。2011年,他以优异的成绩毕业于广州美术学院油画系,获得本科学士学位。2015年,他在新西兰顶级的奥克兰大学艺术学院(Elam School of Fine Arts),完成了研究生学习课程,获得艺术硕士学位。由于在中国接受的是传统的油画训练,而在新西兰接受的是当代艺术教育,因此,他对传统绘画艺术和当代艺术都有扎实的基础,玩得游刃有余,同时他也是一个游玩于不同文化之间的文化交流推动者,特别在促进中国和新西兰的文化与艺术交流方面。


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艺术家: 熊炜(Alvin Xiong)

2009年到2016年,熊炜(Alvin Xiong)的作品在新西兰和中国参加的个展和群展一共超过55次,入选及获奖接近20次。他的作品被新西兰,澳洲和中国等一些重要个人和官方艺术机构收藏,包括: James Wallace Art Trust, The Curiat Art Trust 和广州国家档案馆等等。2011年在德国古桥出版社(Alte Btücke Verlag)的鼎力支持下,出版了著作《坦培拉研究Tempera Research》,该书被广东省中山图书馆及德国相关机构收藏。 

《坦培拉研究Tempera Research   作者:熊炜(Alvin Xiong)

熊炜(Alvin Xiong)的作品以新极简主义为思考及表现方向,优雅的融合了东西方的文化元素,巧妙的揉入了很多传统艺术作品所没有的跨界设计元素,形成了他特有的跨界当代艺术作品面貌。很多观众都有这样的体会,欣赏他的作品,很容易让人走心。因为,他的作品有传统绘画的亲切画面感,不像某些当代艺术作品,使观众产生心理上的抗拒或者距离感,他的作品是有性的。阅读他的作品是享受在他天马行空而且极具创造力的细节和唯美优雅的整体造型上,就像邻家男孩一样阳光和平易近人。熊炜(Alvin Xiong)在其他的媒体采访中提到: 我现阶段在进行多媒介多领域的跨界艺术创作,把设计领域的一些精髓跟元素融入到我的当代艺术创作里面。 同时也是把我在东、西方学校里所学到的知识进行再思考,再创作,再提炼,再融合,通过这种不断的摧毁重建融合跨越的试炼以及自我拷问来使自己进一步的认识自我,了解自己,从而延伸作品的多维度可能性,提高作品所包含的被阅读空间,以及深化物体,观众,空间之间的联系。

熊炜(Alvin Xiong)作品“Life is like summer flowers”, 2015年, 30 x 12米,奥克兰永久展示 

熊炜(Alvin Xiong)对传统艺术有深刻的理解,他用一个平面绘画者的角度跟审美,恰到好处的融入了当代艺术的前沿性实验性跟独特性,以平面的眼光跨界去进行对空间、对时间的思考,让他创作出不仅唯美颜值高,而且有丰富学术讨论价值的当代艺术作品。他的作品另一大特点,是能在各种材料以及媒介中完美地进行不同的提炼融合的跨界创作,特别是把设计领域中的实用性跟功能性引入到了他的作品,让他的作品不仅仅是一个可观赏的当代艺术品,而且是有实用价值,可以跟生活发生关系的艺术品。这种当代艺术与现代设计的跨界思维创作方式,使他的作品达到了艺术品跟观看者无障碍的交流以及融合,正如世界顶级设计师菲利普-斯塔克(Philippe Starck)1982年设计的三腿Coates椅子,1990年推出的Alessi‘Juicy Salif’柠檬榨汁机,这些跨界的富有艺术美感的经典设计作品,使人们愿意与这个艺术设计的混合作品一起生活在同一个空间里,并且使这个空间得到艺术的升华。

熊炜(Alvin Xiong)作品“echo,  2014

艺术品收藏家罗伯特-汉克斯(Rob Hanks)作为The Curiat Art Trust艺术基金会创始人,他这样评论:熊炜(Alvin Xiong)的作品是我这几年见过最有意思的跨界作品,并且他也是最有投资收藏潜力的年轻华裔当代艺术家。我从跟他的接触中深深的体会到,他已经真正的把艺术创作融入到了他的生活中,虽然他还很年轻,但是我尊重他,因为他是一个谦虚的艺术家,一个成熟而且有特别思想的艺术家。我已经陆续收藏和订制了他的几个作品,我会继续关注以及收藏他的新作。


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罗伯特-汉克斯(Rob Hanks)家里收藏的熊炜(Alvin Xiong)作品

: Ab sus4 (A flat suspended fourth), : F maj7 (F major seventh)





- 2015年,奥克兰大学艺术学院(Elam School of Fine Arts)研究生毕业,获艺术硕士学位。

- 2012年,在新西兰白悬崖艺术与设计学院完成当代艺术理论和当代艺术史证书课程

- 2011, 毕业于广州美术学院油画系,获本科学士学位

- 2007, 毕业于广州美术学院附中(四年制)


- 2015, 'The Feeling Memento', Vero Centre高端金融中心, 奥克兰, 新西兰

- 2014, project 'Light Gemini', Corner Window Gallery画廊, 奥克兰, 新西兰

- 2014, 'Cross influential', Pierre Peeters Gallery画廊, 奥克兰, 新西兰


- 2016, 'The Colour of your Heart is What Matters', Studio One - Toi Tū艺术中心, 奥克兰, 新西兰

- 2016, 'Auckland Arts Festival's White Night Remuera' & 'White Night Parnell'奥克兰艺术节-白昼夜活动, 奥克兰, 新西兰 

- 2015, 'Prepare to fall in love', Papakura Art Gallery画廊, 奥克兰, 新西兰

- 2015, 'Reaching The Horizon And Beyond', Uxbridge Art Centre/Malcolm Smith Gallery艺术中心, 奥克兰, 新西兰

- 2015, 'Light', 30upstairs Gallery画廊, 惠灵顿, 新西兰

- 2014, 'Taranaki National Art Award'国家艺术展, Sandfords Event Centre艺术中心, Taranaki, 新西兰

- 2014, 'Into the mystic', Pierre Peeters Gallery画廊,奥克兰, 新西兰

- 2014, 'NZ Art Show'新西兰艺术展, TSB Bank Arena会展中心, 惠灵顿, 新西兰 

- 2014, 'Monster Valley Experiment', Basement Theatre大剧院,奥克兰, 新西兰

- 2014, 'The Adam Portrait Award and Exhibition 2014'国家肖像展, New Zealand Portrait Gallery新西兰国家肖像画廊,惠灵顿, 新西兰

- 2013, 'National Youth Art Award 2013'国家青年艺术家大奖, ArtsPost Gallery画廊,汉密尔顿, 新西兰

- 2013, 'Child Cancer Foundation Art Auction'儿童癌症基金艺术慈善拍卖, Hamilton Creative Centre创意中心,汉密尔顿, 新西兰

- 2011, 八点钟的太阳第三回展,广州美术学院大学城美术馆,中国

- 2011, 中国当代艺术年鉴, 深圳, 中国

- 2011, 艺术广东:国际艺术与收藏品博览会,锦汉国际展览中心,广州,中国

- 2010, 首届广东大学生双年展,广州大学艺术展览中心,中国

- 2009, 八点钟的太阳第三回展,杨之光艺术中心,中国

- 2009, 广州市美术大展,广州,中国


- 2015, 入围提名 'Estuary Art Award 2015'艺术大奖, Uxbridge Arts Centre艺术中心,奥克兰,新西兰

- 2014, 获得The Trust基金会艺术大赛, 最佳学院作品奖,Corban Estate Art Centre艺术中心,奥克兰,新西兰

- 2014, 获得新西兰艺术大展最具潜力年轻艺术家奖,惠灵顿,新西兰

- 2014, 入围提名 'The Adam Portrait Award and Exhibition 2014'国家肖像展, New Zealand Portrait Gallery新西兰国家肖像画廊,惠灵顿,新西兰 

- 2013, 入围提名 'Walker & Hall Waiheke Art Award 2013'艺术大奖, Waiheke Coummunity Art Gallery艺术中心,激流岛,新西兰

- 2013, 获得新西兰国家青年艺术家作品比赛,最佳数码作品奖,Artspost Gallery画廊,汉密尔顿,新西兰

- 2011, 广州美术学院本科毕业生优秀毕业作品奖,中国

- 2010, 广州美术学院一等奖学金,中国

- 2009, 广州美术学院二等奖学金,中国

- 2008, 广州美术学院三等奖学金,中国


- 2011, 出版著作《坦培拉研究Tempera Research, Alvin XIONG熊炜, Alte Btücke Verlag德国古桥出版社, 海德堡, 德国


- 2016, 奥克兰大学官方订制作品 'LALALA', 奥克兰大学医学与科学学院,新西兰

- 2016, 奥克兰元宵灯节官方订制作品'Morning Glory', Auckland Domain, 新西兰

- 2015, Remuera商业联盟订制永久展示作品'Life is like summer flowers', 奥克兰艺术节-白昼夜活动,新西兰


- 2015, 'Improvisation', 'F maj7 (F major seventh)' and  'Ab suss (A flat suspended forth)', The Curiat Art Trust艺术基金会收藏, 新西兰

- 2015, 'Two of me' 私人收藏,澳大利亚

- 2014, 'Symbiotic', James Wallace Trust华莱士艺术基金会, 新西兰

- 2013, 'Dancing in the darkness' 私人收藏,新西兰

- 2012, 油画肖像,私人订制并被收藏,奥克兰,新西兰

- 2009, 油画作品《重生》,广州国家档案馆永久收藏,中国


- 2016, 广州美术学院教授六人展《Big Catch On live Bait, Nathan Homestead Community Arts Centre尼逊家园艺术中心,奥克兰,新西兰  

- 2014, 'So where's home?', George Fraser Gallery画廊,奥克兰,新西兰

- 2013, 'Some say I so I say light', Elam Projectspace Gallery画廊,奥克兰,新西兰

- 2011, 'Beyond The Nest - Photograph Exhibition About Europe Travel', 清和朗润画廊,广州,中国

- 2010 and 2011, 瑞士艺术品修复和保存专家Julita Beck《古代大师技法和技术研究》 广州,中国 

- 2010 and 2011, 欧洲艺术之旅 'Beyond The Nest - Travel of Art in Europe'

- 2010, 瑞士艺术品修复和保存专家Julita Beck 《艺术品修复和收藏讲座》,广州美术学院研究生部,中国


- 2015, 公司商标订制, Dreamland Group ltd., 新西兰

- 2014, 商业商标订制, Vivian Rao, 美国

- 2014, 品牌商标订制, Kooper's Ken, 英国

- 2010 2011, 设计总监,时代龙会议与展览公司,广州,中国

- 2010, 花车设计,中国国际旅游节 





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Alvin Xiong Alvin Xiong

Alvin Xiong has been invited to participate an International Artist in Residence Project

Goooood news! I've been invited to China this year for the International Artists in Residence Project in Arteco! 

Arteco boasts of its reservation of the nature. Facilities include log cabins, RVs, twin ponds, organic farms, recreation & entertainment and Chinese/western cuisine. Arteco is aimed to be one of the platforms of arts and culture of the city. With an area of 34,000 square meters, Arteco is a perfect venue for high-end tailormade events; one artist in residence said: “it’s been a transcendent experience!”—That has become our promise since.

The “kiwisual Artist-in-Residence Project” invites artists of different artistic disciplines and cultural backgrounds for on-site creation that mainly involves conducting cross-over work on the “kiwisual Artistic Stones”. 

The potentials of China’s art market have been under international spotlight; artists from around the globe, no matter on his own behalf or of official backgrounds, have been coming to China to interact with its art world. However, artist-in-residence projects are still a new thing and rarely heard of across the vast Mainland territory. A stable platform of thorough communication and on-site creation for artists is acutely called for, and “kiwisual” has decided to be a pioneer.

Initiators and organizers of “kiwisual” studied art and design at college, and have been incorporating art into life ever since; considerable resources of art and media have been accumulated over the years; artists invited for the “kiwisual” residence project will not only enjoy a multi-disciplinary platform for artistic creation, and they will also interact with local artists, galleries and media, making the residence a rich and profound experience.

Arteco, the base of “kiwisual” is located in suburban Guangzhou--- the Southern Gate of China, with the vast Chinese Mainland at the back, and neighboring Hong Kong--- one of the world’s most vibrant art market. Here you could indulge yourself in the culture of “bridges and creeks” of the gentle Southern China, or go over to Hong Kong within just a few hours and have a taste of the pluralistic and flourishing metropolis. Inspiration might lie amongst such aura, which is both traditional and open-minded.

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Alvin Xiong Alvin Xiong

Alvin Xiong's work being auction in Webb's

Alvin Xiong is a multi-discipline artist based in Auckland, New Zealand. His practice involves painting, photography, installation, light work and performance. Xiong focuses on exploring using light itself to be the medium to create his work.


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Alvin Xiong Alvin Xiong

Alvin Xiong In Auckland Arts Festival's 'White Night Parnell 2016'

WHITE NIGHT, conceived in Paris in 2002, now an annual event on the Auckland Arts Festival calendar in Aotearoa.

Making art and culture accessible to large audiences within public spaces, White Night in Parnell kicks off with a charity art auction of Monkey art works as part of the Year of the Monkey celebrations, with proceeds in aid of Starship National Air Ambulance Service.

White Night Parnell offers a whole array of engaging gallery experiences and outdoor art installations to see and interact with – it’s free, fun and for all ages!

For six hours non-stop you will have your senses activated, your imagination inspired, get to explore human nature, have your thinking challenged and have the opportunity to interact with artists in helping create art works!

Pick up a map from one of the seven galleries, ask a White Night Parnell helper for one on the night or download one here.

Hop on and off the free Art Bus Tour at the top or bottom of Parnell Road where you can start your visual adventure in Parnell. Bookings are essential.

For further information on White Night Parnell, including a map, visit
Book your Auckland Arts Festival free Art Bus Tours by emailing

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