Alvin Xiong In Auckland Arts Festival's 'White Night Parnell 2016'
WHITE NIGHT, conceived in Paris in 2002, now an annual event on the Auckland Arts Festival calendar in Aotearoa.
Making art and culture accessible to large audiences within public spaces, White Night in Parnell kicks off with a charity art auction of Monkey art works as part of the Year of the Monkey celebrations, with proceeds in aid of Starship National Air Ambulance Service.
White Night Parnell offers a whole array of engaging gallery experiences and outdoor art installations to see and interact with – it’s free, fun and for all ages!
For six hours non-stop you will have your senses activated, your imagination inspired, get to explore human nature, have your thinking challenged and have the opportunity to interact with artists in helping create art works!
Pick up a map from one of the seven galleries, ask a White Night Parnell helper for one on the night or download one here.
Hop on and off the free Art Bus Tour at the top or bottom of Parnell Road where you can start your visual adventure in Parnell. Bookings are essential.
For further information on White Night Parnell, including a map, visit
Book your Auckland Arts Festival free Art Bus Tours by emailing
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