Alvin Xiong(熊炜) x TESLA
New Zealand contemporary artist Alvin Xiong has been invited to do a special event 'Contemporary Art Meets TESLA' which includes Alvin Xiong's Solo Tour Exhibition 'Fusion' by the well-known U.S. electrical car company TELSA in China!
Event: Contemporary Art Meets TESLA & 'Fusion' Solo Tour Exhibition
活动: 当代艺术遇上特斯拉 及 ‘融合’ 熊炜个人巡回画展
Year: 2017
Venue: TESLA Stores in Canon Place(广粤天地), La Perle(丽柏广场), Service Centre(特斯拉服务中心),China
Detail: three stops in TESLA Store, artist talk 'Contemporary Art Meets TESLA', artist exhibition, etc.
Media: Sohu(搜狐网), Sina(新浪网), Southcn(南方英语网), CNMD(现代装饰), Modern Magazine(新现代画报), Dayoo(羊城地铁报), MF(明范儿), etc等.
First Stop: TESLA Store in Canton Place (特斯拉广粤天地店)
22nd April 2017

Second Stop: TESLA Store in La Perle (特斯拉丽柏广场店)
6th May 2017

Third Stop: TESLA Service Centre (特斯拉服务中心)
13th May 2017

Alvin Xiong x TESLA Limited Edition book (NFS)