'365 Day and Night'
Light Emitting Diodes, electrical component, pigment
year: 2018
size: site-spacific installation at Corban Estate Art Centre (approx. 7000 x 3000mm)

'concerto in ticktack'
left to right:
1. F maj7 (F major seventh) SOLD, collected by The Curiat Art Collection, Auckland, NZ
2. D major
3. Ab maj7 (A flat major seventh) SOLD, collected by private collector, Auckland, NZ
4. A7
5. F aug (F augmented)
6. G# minor (G sharp minor)
7. Ab sus4 (A flat suspended fourth) SOLD, collected by The Curiat Art Collection, Auckland, NZ
8. F minor
Light Emitting Diodes, electrical components, canvas, pigment
year: 2015
size: site-spacific installation at Elam B building. (1000 x 1500 x 30 mm each)
In the Yin and Yang symbol, Yin is the black side with the white dot in it, and Yang is the white side with the black dot in it.[1] In Chinese aesthetic philosophy, Yin and Yang (darkness and light) describe how apparently opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.[2] As Francis Bacon said, “In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.”[3] This implies that darkness enhances the power of light, and the light makes the darkness even deeper.
My project investigates the relationship between light and shadow, by using their relationship within a minimalist sculptural light work. Light has been an important element in the visual world since ancient civilizations. The sanctity of light and sun is one of the most ancient and persistent themes within sacred art and architecture. People in ancient times worshipped the sun, reflecting their ancient thoughts that the sun had immortal power over human mortality. On the other hand, the importance of light is not only apparent in ancient art, but also appears in minimalist and post minimalist earth art, like James Turrell’s The Roden Crater Project and Nancy Holt’s Sun Tunnels.
In this work, I try to integrate Yin and Yang philosophy to modify the space, creating an atmosphere of harmony for the viewer. In this particular space, the white items are my Yang elements; the floating black fabric creating a non-flat volume to respond the white area and balancing the entire energy in the room.
Yin and Yang is also about the cycle of life: starting with the rising sun where the rays shine straight up. From there, the sun goes higher into the sky creating rays of light that point downwards creating shadows. As the sun rising, it creates energy and movement. Those items that were in the dark are now in the light. This thought provides a way to integrate drawing as a movement from the body into this contemporary light work. Drawing on my expression to respond to the light and showing the viewer how I worship light. Once the audience walks into the work, their body movements continuously activate the work together with the artist’s gesture, their presence completing the installation.
Alvin Xiong
Auckland, New Zealand
[1] Schreuder, Duco. Vision and visual perception: The Conscious Base of Seeing. Bloomington: Archway Publishing, 2014
[2] “Yin and Yang.” Livelovecreate. Accessed November 7, 2015. http://www.livelovecreate.org/2014/09/yin-and-yang.html
[3] “Fransic Bacon Quotes.” Brainy Quote. Accessed September 3, 2015. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/f/francisbac119506.html

Commissioned Residential Project: 'Sao'
Light Emitting Diodes, aluminium bracket, electrical components
year: 2015
size: 2500 x 2500 mm approx.
Commissioned in 9 Parliament St, Auckland, NZ

'Reaching The Horizon And Beyond'
Light Emitting Diodes
year: 2015
size: site-spacific installation at Uxbridge Art Centre/Malcolm Smith Gallery

'The Naïve Truth'
Light Emitting Diodes
year: 2015
size: dimensions variable
photo by Jhana Millers, 30upstairs gallery curator, Wellington, NZ

'' It used to be 'Love Romance 2014' ''
LED, custom glass, electrical components
year: 2015
size: dimensions variable
photo by Jhana Millers, 30upstairs gallery curator, Wellington, NZ
Light Emitting Diodes, plexiglass, vinyle
year: 2015
size: 500 mm triangle
SOLD, collected by private collector, South Island, NZ
Light Emitting Diodes, plexiglass, vinyle
year: 2015
size: 500 mm circle
Not available
Light Emitting Diodes, plexiglass, vinyle
year: 2015
size: 500 mm square
Not available

Commissioned Project: 'Life is like Summer Flowers'
Light Emitting Diodes, aluminium bracket, electrical components
year: 2015
size: 12H x 30W m
Commissioned for Auckland Arts Festival - White Night Remuera 2015 on behalf of the business and community of Remuera
photo by Philip Tse

Project: 'Light Gemini'
LED, custom glass, wood panel, electrical components
year: 2014
size: Independent (left) 1200 x 730 x 100 mm; Freedom (right) dimensions variable
photo by Philip Tse

'Still got the blues'
LED, custom glass, electrical components
year: 2014
size: variable installation

'Gemini Beauty'
LED, custom glass, electrical components
year: 2014
size: 1200 x 730 x 100mm
Note: The light illusion will slowly change following the computer programme.

'Green Marilyn'
LED, custom glass, electrical components
year: 2014
size: 1200 x 730 x 100mm
Note: The light illusion will slowly change following the computer programme.

LED, custom glass, electrical components
year: 2014
size: dimension variable
Note: The light illusion will slowly change following the computer programme.

'Warm tong song'
LED, wood, custom glass, electrical components
year: 2014
size: 1200 x 500 x 100mm
Note: The light illusion will slowly change following the computer programme.
SOLD, collected by private collector, Wellington, NZ

'Moonlight waltz'
LED, wood, custom glass, electrical components
year: 2014
size: 1200 x 500 x 100mm
Note: The light illusion will slowly change following the computer programme.

LED, custom glass, installation on wall
year: 2014
size: 1570 x 800 x 170mm
installation on the wall in George Fraser Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand

'7 songs'
custom glass, stained wood, canvas
year: 2013
size: 410 x 260 x 80mm

LED, custom glass, stained wood, canvas
year: 2013
size: 740 x 740 x 100mm
SOLD, collected by The Curiat Art Collection, Auckland, NZ

LED, custom glass, polystyrene sheet
year: 2013
size: 3700 x 3700 x 100mm
installation in Elam school of fine arts, Mondrian building Level 2

'Rhapsody No.1'
LED, custom glass, canvas, wood
year: 2013
size: 500 x 400mm
finalist in National Youth Arts Award 2013, Arts Post Gallery, Hamilton, NZ